Review: Highland Wolf by Lynsay Sands

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I was given a copy of this novel for the purposes of a review and have been holding it all in for quite a while now. Highland Wolf is officially released on January 25, 2022 (tomorrow for me), so I am going to exhale and give you the nitty gritty because I am a longtime fan of Lynsay Sands and I know she has an incredibly vast fanbase waiting on this novel.

Highland Wolf is the tenth novel in the Highland Brides series. If you haven’t checked out books 1-9, you can (and absolutely should) do so.

I will not give you a rundown of every event within this novel because nobody likes spoilers and I am not that gal. So, to wet yer whistle, here is the synopsis from

New York Times Bestselling Author Lynsay Sands delivers another sexy historical romance set in the wilds of the Highlands

In all her daydreams about her wedding day, Lady Claray MacFarlane never once imagined being dragged to the altar by her greedy uncle and forced to marry a man she didn’t know. But that’s what happened, or would have, had a Highland warrior not snatched her up at the last minute and ridden off with her in his arms. . .

They call him the Wolf. The mercenary’s courage and prowess in battle are known throughout the Highlands, and with his handsome face and black-as-sin hair, he is as intelligent and deadly as the wolf he was named for…

The beginning of the story sees Claray MacFarlane being forced into a marriage by a horrible uncle. Long story short, things don’t go to plan (do they ever?) and she instead finds herself in what I call a grand pickle. The story continues to throw twists and turns. The hero is predictable, but likable. The heroin isn’t someone I can honestly say I’d want to hang out with of an evening, but she’s well written and for some reason matches well with the Wolf. The story is entertaining, if somewhat exhausting at times. To be quite honest, there were times I wanted to yell at our young Lady MacFarlane and toss my Kindle into the abyss. I am happy to report my Kindle is still among the living and the lady has acquired a strapping, broody Wolf. I am also happy to report that I have managed to conquer my own frustrations at the story by way of a pleasant ending.

Now, the important question. Is this novel worth buying and reading? Yes. Absolutely. If a story doesn’t require you to feel something, even exhaustion or frustration in the characters and their folly, then the story is probably trash. This one is decidedly not trash. Quite the opposite. During my reading time, there were so many times when I mouthed a very snarky, What on this Earth is wrong with you, toward Claray. Many times. Like I said, we would not be friends. She isn’t really my type of leading lady, but her personality was certainly well written and we’ve made our peace already.

For more information about Lysay Sands, she keeps an updated website you can visit.

For more information about me, stick around. I’m sure I’ll eventually say something halfway entertaining or interesting in the next few weeks. Maybe. 😀

Mom, You Should Write A Book Again.

I grew up moving a lot. It wasn’t fun, but it was the way things were. I spent a lot of time in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and the surrounding area. I lived in a few trailer parks (which was an experience I will one day write a Southern comedy about, but not today). The experiences gained by moving around a lot combined with staying in that particular area for a big chunk of my childhood gave me a quirk that I still struggle with today.

People watching: NOUN. The action or practice of spending time idly observing people in a public place.

People watching. Apparently, lots of writers do this. But, so does a certain Joe Goldberg we all know and, uh. Nevermind.

My point is, people watching became a favorite pastime and I learned a lot about other humans this way. There was a bar/laundromat (not kidding) where my family frequented that I used as a launch pad for my people watching habits and duties because lots of folks came through there. Some wanted to wash their clothes and others just wanted a beer. Either way, I was there, tucked away, just watching and observing everything because there was just about nothing else for a kid my age to do there. One summer, a bar tender gave me spelling tests while I sat at the bar and my parents did laundry because he was a good guy. And may have had a thing for my then young mom. But, I often tell people I really did learn how to spell whilst sitting in a bar. That bartender taught me some tricks and helped me learn how to test myself, a skill I carried well into high school and beyond. I’m grateful for that place.

People watching is the very pastime I utilized to the full extent when I wanted to write a vampire novel based in North Carolina in an area I was familiar with. A few years ago, I nearly completed that very novel, though for some reason I never wrote an ending. I called it Vampires Of Fourth Street and I just let it sit since about 2015. That is, until a few days ago when my young teenage son found me at my laptop and said, “Mom, you should write a book again.”

He never takes an interest in my writing. Never. Ever. So, it sort of caught me off guard. It was a welcomed change, though, and I thought about it a good three minutes before I suddenly remembered that somewhere in my files was a novel just waiting to be edited, revised, and finished. I printed the first ten chapters (out of a whopping twenty-nine) and am still looking through them, but I have to admit I have seriously missed those characters. I really did a lot of work to create them and because they live in a place I could have passed a million times on the elementary school bus, I feel like I just know them.

I’m sharing this with you, my readership, because I want to hold myself accountable. I want to finish this novel, get it polished, and begin sending it out (send snacks and bourbon). I dislike the process of submission. And, dislike is an understatement. I don’t know many writers who actually look forward to the multitude of rejections and months of anxiety, but I don’t know every writer, either. So, I’m sure somebody out there likes it. Just, ya know, not me. Also, it gives me pause knowing that there aren’t a lot of publishers out there looking for vampire novels anymore.

Wish me luck, folks. The vampires have taken me hostage.

No. Not THESE vampires. I just left this here to give you something fun to look at. 😀

Five Reasonable Goals For 2022

**Disclaimer**– If you purchase an item from any of my links, I might get a small commission from it.

I am not really one for making resolutions, but I have set a few goals for myself this year. I put quite a bit of thought into it, too, which was a complete surprise for this notable pantser.

Number 1– I plan on buying books by authors I know or are acquaintances of instead of buying books written by authors who already have larger audiences. I first thought maybe I should buy from friends and acquaintances exclusively, but I think maybe that would be a little bit unfair (to myself) because I really want to read books I know are coming this year from authors I’ve been reading for years, some even decades. That being said, there are so many fantastic authors out there who are writing without the benefit of a big publicist and a well-known name. Independent authors and publishers are many, but quality is certainly there.

Amazfit, available from Amazon $39.99 right now.

Number 2– I guess…if I have to…I’m going to walk more. I used to walk a lot and I live in an area that is very nice for hikes and walks so I really don’t have any excuses, other than weather. Right now, there is a lot of low temps, snow, and other obstacles, but it’s almost February. February in West Virginia has a weather range that goes from blizzard to spring sunshine within the same week. My health is important to me, so I’ve already bought a new pair of walking shoes. I feel like I should note also that walking is not only good for your physical health, but also mental health. There are numerous studies and articles available with a quick google search and you can have a lot of fun with it. You can even get fancy and buy a fitness watch, like the Amazfit from Amazon, which has some really promising reviews. If you have one, I’d like your opinion!

Number 3– I’m going to drink more water. I already drink a good amount, but I could definitely replace a few non-water drinks with water. Again, my health is important to me and I have some weight to lose, I have dry skin, and I think drinking water would help with both of those things. I’ve already bought a goal marked water bottle to help with this. Sometimes all I need to motivate me is for my water to be readily available because I’m a creature of both habit and convenience. I’ll grab the easiest thing in order to quench my thirst and keep my day moving. I know for some folks motivation means different things, though, so I’d love to hear how other people motivate themselves to get that water down.

Number 4– I’m going to work on my budget. I know. BORING, right? Nobody wants to hear me ramble about money and numbers, but financial health is also important to me because I’m thirty-eight and I have an adult child and two teens at home and sometimes I need extra cash for things. Teenagers are well known for needing extra cash. They grow out of their clothes at a rate that could rival the toddler years (particularly boys) and they always have something or other happening at school that may require extra funds. Also, the idea that my husband and I have a handful of years before we are empty nesters has motivated me with a bit of a panic. So, I’ve taken steps to save a few extra dollars here and there and develop a healthier relationship with my shopping habits (lol). We shall see how this goes!

Number 5– I plan on going to the beach at some point this year, which may contradict Number 4. Vacations cost money, but there are ways to save and still have a great time. Besides that, in twenty years of marriage, my husband and I have yet to have a really good week long vacation together. We’re more weekend getaway people…Until now.

So, in case you see posts regarding any of these five things and wonder why I’m posting things that aren’t book reviews this coming year, it’s because this is my guide for 2022. I’ll be writing about all five of these things, as well as my reviews. Obviously I’ll be heavier on the book related content, as usual, but there will be other things coming too. I may even review some finance related books. Who knows! I’m still working on a schedule for the next few months because the holidays (between the end of November and now) really wore me down.

As usual, if you have any book suggestions for me or even product suggestions related to my five goals, I’d love to hear it in comments or emails! 😀

A Slightly Late Review: The Unofficial Bridgerton Cookbook

Rating: 5 out of 5.

*Disclaimer: If you buy something using one of my links, Amazon might give me a small commission. However, my reviews are honest!*

First, I should apologize because my review is several days late. It was Thanksgiving week and I am the Thanksgiving cook in my house, so I really should have written and scheduled the review early, rather than late, but here we go.

The very first thing a person notices when they read through this collection of recipes is that the book seriously rolls with the vibe and aesthetic of Netflix’s Bridgerton. It is well organized and well collected. The attention to detail in the photos as well as how well curated the recipes themselves are is a testimony to the author’s dedication to the books. I received a Kindle copy through the publisher in return for a review, but after reviewing a few disaster niche cookbooks recently, I wasn’t really hopeful for a win. I was pleasantly surprised.

The collection is very well organized and the fonts are easy to read, which is very important in a recipe book. I don’t know how other home cooks feel about it, but I dislike cookbooks with teensy tiny type or fonts that are cutesy (I’m looking at you, Comic Sans…). The photos accompanying the recipes are incredible, too. Everything is mouthwatering and eye catching. In each photo, it looks as though each table linen, each fork, each glass is selected specifically for the Queen and her ladies, as though the reader has been teleported through time and has arrived at afternoon tea, just in time.

These sandwiches could be prepared for any number of events. Or not an event at all. Perfectly acceptable for lunch at home watching Netflix!

I also love that even though this cookbook is geared toward Bridgerton and the characters and settings of the series, anyone on this Earth could buy it and enjoy the recipes. Good food is good food, period. You could have no idea what Bridgerton even is and still thoroughly enjoy the cookbook because the recipes are easy to follow and all of the dishes are foods anyone could prepare, eat, and enjoy. I feel like people who enjoy entertaining or have large family get togethers could get an added amount of use from this collection, though, and I mean that in the best of ways.

I’d like to add that even though the copy I was given is wonderful and I’m so thrilled to have the digital copy, I’ll be buying a hardback copy as well because I’m a cookbook collector and I really loved this one.

If you haven’t watched Bridgerton and are interested, the first season is available on Netflix. If you’d like to read the novels by Julia Quinn first, you can find them at, starting with Bridgerton: The Duke and I.

I haven’t read a lot of other reviews for this cookbook and I’d love to hear what other folks think about it, so if you have read through it, drop a comment or shoot me an email at and I’d love to hear your opinion! I’m also open to suggestions for other cookbooks based on pop culture. They really do seem to be a hit or miss!

Until next time…Enjoy a picture of my cat, Salem.

He says hi.

I have heard rumors that the Queen is getting her own series. Thoughts or information on the subject are much appreciated. I thought she was much more interesting than the other characters anyway! 😀

Creature Comforts (Of the Night)…

Since the cold weather is settling in over these mountains, I’ve begun to fall into a familiar pattern involving hot coffee, books, and television shows. Everyone in my house has had a cold at one point or other in the last few weeks because West Virginia’s weather is ridiculous this time of year and quite unpredictable. There is a lot happening right now in my personal home life, too. Nothing horrible or pressing, but just busy stuff. School stuff, work stuff, and learning to adjust to being the parent of an adult who doesn’t live with me anymore stuff. It’s very, very busy.

And, to deal with this busy life, I have decided that every single time something pops up that I don’t know how to deal with, I’m going to look for a supernatural themed story I haven’t read yet and read it. Starting now. I read a lot as it is, so it won’t be too big of an adjustment, but looking for a specific theme might be troublesome. But, as a reader and a person I just really need a good, short distraction from everyday things.

So, ya know, some anthology suggestions would be welcome. I do love vampires, werewolves, and witches.

Can I be honest with you people though? I’m terrified of falling into a darker pattern of winter depression. It hits me every year, although the last two or three years haven’t been as bad as the few before them. I don’t want to go through that this year, but it’s difficult for me. I tend to associate a lot of traumatic events from my life with winter and cold and snow. Seasonal depression is one of the only things I’ve ever gone through that I’m not comforted by knowing other people are going through the same thing. I don’t know about you folks, but I hate knowing other people (sometimes people I care about) are suffering too.

But, maybe that’s why there are so many television series releasing in fall and winter months when people begin a settling in period some akin to bears hibernating in the winter. We squirrel away some canned foods, gather some bottled water, make sure the home is sealed tight for heating purposes, and then what? We wait for the thermometer’s reading to plummet and the snowflakes to fall from the sky so we can burrow under a mound of quilts on the couch and watch a new season of The Witcher (December 17th, if you’re as excited as I am).

We look for creature comforts. Nothing says comfort and safety like Geralt slashing monsters and protecting Jaskier.

Tomorrow (November 19th) The Great’s second season premiers on Hulu and since I’m going to be home doing absolutely nothing other than laundry anyway, I’m going to give it a go. I loved the first season even though I found nary a vampire, witch, or wolf. Of course, I also love history and Catherine the Great is a very interesting woman to read about. Also, Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult are fantastic actors and deserve all the accolades for their roles.

November 19th on Hulu

I don’t know what else is coming. I’ve already decided the American version of Ghosts just isn’t for me and I’m not sure when more episodes of the UK version are coming (but I am waiting with heavy anticipation). I’ve rewatched True Blood more times than I can count.

I need something new.

8 Holiday Gift Ideas For the Writer In Your Life

***Disclsure– I share links from Amazon from time to time and may receive a small commission from items you buy using my links. That doesn’t change anything about how I’ve written the post or what I’ve chosen to include, though!***

Whatever you celebrate, the winter months are upon us and that means the shopping months are also upon us. I don’t know if you’ve personally had any trouble obtaining items on your loved ones lists due to the shipping crisis, but I haven’t yet, and I hope that I don’t. But, just in case… I’ve been doing a lot of writing and revising to my shopping lists because I want to be prepared for anything. I don’t do Black Friday unless it’s the Black Friday cyber deals because it gets too peopley (that’s a real word, I promise *crosses fingers behind back*).

It has dawned on me that if you have a writer in your family, that person is probably going to either be the most difficult to buy for or the easiest. There usually is no in between for us. Never fear, though, because I have some ideas for you.

1… Nice pens. We all have a favorite. Find out what theirs is and buy them a pack. Mine are these Paper Mate ball point pens. I’ve never seen a brown one, though! Nice.

Princess Peach approved.

2...A mug or a set of mugs. Everybody has hot drink preferences, and hot drinks can usually only be consumed in a mug. Amazon has some really nice ones. Right now, this one is my personal favorite.

3… Try getting them a subscription box. There are so many out there to choose from. There are subscription boxes that allow you to solve a mystery, even.

Maybe get a pen pal?

4… You can never go wrong with pajamas or a bathrobe. Or both, like a matching set. Old Navy, Walmart, and Kohl’s are pretty decent choices for these types of items. Bonus points if you match the pajamas to the mug

. 5… Gift cards. We tend to use them wisely.

6… Nice journals, notebooks, and stationary. My personal favorite is stationary and I don’t know why because nobody ever writes letters and mails them anymore.

7… Audible and/Kindle subscriptions. I haven’t joined the zillions of people who listen to audiobooks and enjoy them yet, but one day I might. Until then, I stick to paperbacks and my beloved Kindle. Either way you choose to read, giving the gift of the written word is never a bad idea.

8… Give the gift of whiskey. Well, whiskey glasses. This is my favorite thing on this list because I don’t have a set. I’m a bourbon girl, myself.

In case any of you were wondering, I left book recommendations off of this list on purpose because all writers are different and their reading preferences are different too. But, Stephen King’s On Writing appeals to a wide audience, so you’re pretty safe with that one, if you’re looking. I know I’ve mentioned in previous posts that this particular book about writing is my favorite, but honestly I’ll probably mention it in future posts, too. Ha! Happy Shopping!

Nano Yo Beeswax

**Disclosure** I may receive a small commission if you buy something from Amazon using one of my links. This doesn’t sway my opinions, though. Carry on!**

Ideas are cheap. It’s the execution that is all important.” — George R.R. Martin

Because I’m feeling particularly childish and free spirited today, I thought I’d write a post about Nanowrimo. I’m not participating this year, but am using the time my friends and fellow scribes are using to write a novel to instead work on achieving a few smaller goals, like work to improve this blog.

But, in that spirit, I’d like to at least serve as a cheerleader for everyone else. After all, the best thing about Nanowrimo, in my humble opinion, is that next month, there will be thousands upon thousands of new books either being self published or shopped to publishers. And, that’s good for readers everywhere because there will soon be more reading options. Not that my to be read pile needs any more encouragement to collapse under the weight of my great reading ambitions, but you get the gist.

When I first heard that National Novel Writing Month was even a thing, I was just a young thing myself. No wrinkles in my skin, no gray hairs. My kids were little then, too. I was just beginning to figure out what kind of person I wanted to be in the world. I always wanted to finish a novel in a November, but to tell the truth, I never did. I always started something. I always began with stars in my eyes and a powerful thirst for a story. The only novel I ever wrote in a month was The Bones Of Willow Lake (currently out of print) and it only took three weeks, but I wrote it in June (2012) instead of November.

Photo by Lucas Pezeta on

Will I ever complete an entire novel in a month or less again? Who knows. Right now, I’m working on other things and gaining my happiness from other writers and their works. When a story whispers in my ear and pulls me by the fingertips again, I’ll write it. I’ll know. And, you’ll all know too because I’m a different person when I’m actively writing a novel. Inspiration just isn’t here right now. Who knows when that little devil will show up again. I’m satisfied to be writing short posts, reading great fiction, and testing out really cool cookbooks. Life is full of flavors, after all.

If any of you get into a slump through Nanowrimo, you should know that other writers are your best resource for information. Most folks I know would be more than happy to send you off in the right direction if you get stuck or give you information regarding resources online or in your area to research your subject matter. Or maybe the story itself is the problem and you’re having some stylistic, grammatical, or structural issues.

But, if you don’t want to reach out to a friend, there are other ways to figure things out on your own.

A Kindle Unlimited subscription could be of use if you need to research and don’t have time to wait around on books to arrive on your doorstep. I have this service and it comes in handy for all sorts of situations.

If you’re having trouble formatting your manuscript to submit, I would advise you to first use the William Shunn formatting example here. This example is widely accepted from most publishers, but you should ALWAYS read submission guidelines very thoroughly. Editors are fickle beasts sometimes and I know this because I’ve done my fair share and it’s not fun. I was well known for tossing manuscripts for using Comic Sans, because, yes, people like to do that to me for some reason.

Note- Do not send anyone a manuscript in comic sans, please. It is an annoyance and I view the act as a personal attack on my character and well being. Just kidding. Or am I?

If you’re stuck and you need to figure out where to take your story next because you didn’t plot something out exactly to a tee, no fear. You can always check Reddit, look for inspiration from Pinterest, and shoot ideas back and forth with a friend. Sometimes just talking it out is a help.

If you’re interested in books, Stephen King’s On Writing is highly recommended. It’s not just a how to, it’s quite the cozy read. But, if you’re not into King’s writing style and you’re looking for more of a guide, you can always check out The Elements of Style. I used to keep a copy close, but I lent it out and never got it back years ago. I didn’t repurchase it because I just didn’t like it and the important info in there can be found online with a quick search.

Until next time, folks. Happy writing and happy reading.
And, I hope you all had a Blessed Samhain and/or a Happy Halloween.

Picture It…America, 2000ish.

Let me set the stage for you. It’s 1998, 1999, 2000ish. Sometime in there. You’re with your friends because it’s Friday night and your parents don’t care. Everybody’s wearing their absolute best low-rise jeans and chunky heeled boots. The eyeshadows are glimmery and the lips are properly smacked.

It’s dark and smokey because people are smoking cigarettes in a public place. A waitress at this public place brings over a tray of drinks and before she pulls a pen and pad from her apron, she wipes her hands down the sides of the threadbare, probably borrowed flannel shirt that she’s tied around her waist. She smiles and the thick, black eye liner she’s lined her red lips with pops, even through dark, smoky atmosphere. She takes the order of cokes and a basket of fries and disappears elsewhere. You make a mental note to find a velvet choker like hers. Nice. It would go so well with the new low-rise bootcut jeans you bought at the mall earlier.

You suddenly know you’re going to have a good time because a song you love from the Jawbreaker soundtrack begins to play. It’s by The Donnas.

You give your friends a sideways glance. The four of you search the entire room (as much as humanly possible), and somebody grabs a lighter. Someone else pulls a pack of cigarettes out of their purse. And the four of you light up, since you’re absolutely sure nobody who knows your parents is there. And, just as you’d hoped, nobody gives a hoot that you’re smoking in a public place, but you’re only sixteenish.

THESE SHOES were iconic. ICONIC I say!

Your food arrives. You eat, drink, and are merry. Until somebody accidentally drops a little bit of ketchup on their Steve Madden wedges. Bummer. The music changes, and this time it’s Six Underground by Sneakerpimps. Everybody leaves the table and heads to a central area to dance. And that is your night’s beginning.

You end up at a house party somewhere else later because there were neon BYOB flyers in town with the promise of music your parents don’t approve of and beer your parents also don’t approve of. And, more than likely somebody’s burner cousin with a hookup will have weed. So, naturally, you have to go.

Somebody’s girlfriend is crying with a bloody knee at the bottom of the stairs. Two drunk girls are taking care of her, so she’s fine and you grab your best friend, link elbows, and head to the kitchen. Smoke is thick all the way there. You try not to trip over your JNCO’s but it’s really hard when your boots are so heavy and you’ve somehow managed to get a contact buzz within five minutes of arrival. But, there is a keg set up on the deck beyond the kitchen and a dude you’re into is out there kicking around a hackey sack. You grin to yourself because you know Manic Panic has your hair looking and smelling like candy.

Yeah. Totally foolproof career.

But, you never make it to hackey sack boy because somebody streaks past you, knocking his naked way into hackey sack boy, who then erupts into hysterical teenage boy laughter. Hilarity ensues, but your bff’s got your back and hands you a red plastic cup full of goodness knows what. And you drink it because that’s your best friend for life and one day you’re going to open a record store together in town. It’s a fool proof plan guaranteed to make money, right? Cause people will always be buying records!

You forget about hackey sack boy the minute you gulp half the contents of your drink down the gullet. You see stars. But, you drink the rest because you’re enjoying your night and are looking forward to watching your friend’s boyfriend fall over on his skateboard for the millionth time since your arrival. Because JNCO’s and skateboards, though aesthetically pleasing and acceptable, are quite hazardous.

But, then, you see red and blue flashing lights. The cops are there to break up the party and everyone scatters. Bestie is nowhere to be seen, but out of the corner of your eye, you see Eminem and he knows your name. He reaches for your hand and says, “I’ll drive you home!”

So, then, he does. You sneak past your dog, crawl into bed, and wake up the next morning to your bff sitting on the edge of your bed. She’s wearing one of those velure track suits, a black set, and doesn’t have on any makeup at all.

“Who drove you home?” She asks.

You shrug. It could have been any one of hundreds of local boys because they all look like the real Slim Shady these days.

Like. Literally all the dudes I knew were Eminem. Or, at least they thought they were.

The Assassin and the Libertine by Lily Riley

***Disclaimer*** I may receive a small commission from any purchases you make using my links to Amazon as an affiliate. This does not sway my reviews in any way.***

***ALSO, I should add that I received this book from the publisher through Netgalley for a review. That will NEVER sway my thoughts on a story. I’ll always tell my readers what I think and if a book is worth picking up or not.***

This is not a classic vampire story and certainly not a classic romance. There are moments when I wanted it to be such, but many more moments when I was glad that it wasn’t.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Let me explain.

18th century France is one of my favorite times and places to read about, watch films about, and daydream about. Versailles is one of my favorite pieces of architecture in the history of…well, basically everything. And Madame de Pompadour has always been a subject of mystery, intrigue, and romance that, for me, can never be forgotten or moved past. She must have really been something! Certainly King Louis XV thought so.

In The Assassin and the Libertine, it is the death of Madame de Pompadour that sets off the story. The story’s hero, Étienne, is accused of Madame de Pompadour’s murder and as the heroine of the story was the best friend of the king’s favorite mistress and in charge of bringing her killer to his justice, a very common enemies to lovers story begins to unfold.

Here’s where I would normally start rolling my eyes and looking for something else to read. It’s a common plot. Only, in this one, the accused murderer is also a vampire. It does complicate things, but the fact is that there are so many stories set up this way, an author really needs to do the work involved in separating their work from the works of others. The bounty hunter/assassin (in this case) vs. evil hunky vampire accused of obscenities and atrocities is done to death. Yet, in this book, the author manages to yank her story out of the void of cliches and plop it directly into a reader’s wildest bloody fantasies.

The book has a decent heat level and the writing is great. I love the story having the depth of the eighteenth century because honestly, it does add more appeal for me. I’ll certainly look for this author again and I’ll most definitely be sure to recommend this book to my friends.

Daphne de Duras is a proper French duchess by day and fledgling assassin by night. Her latest mission is to dispatch justice and protect the French aristocracy by executing Étienne de Noailles, disgraced former noble, legendary rake, and vampire emissary to the court of King Louis XV.

As far as I can tell, both kindle and paperback copies are available at Amazon if you’d like to find out for yourself. Not convinced? Here’s what the blurb says:

But Étienne’s alleged crime—the gruesome murder of Madame de Pompadour, the King’s mistress and Daphne’s friend—doesn’t quite fit the dashing vampire’s nature. With his immortal days suddenly numbered, Étienne needs to convince his would-be executioner not only of his innocence, but that they should hunt the real killer together—a challenge almost as difficult as convincing himself that he isn’t falling for her.

Daphne reluctantly agrees to a temporary partnership when Étienne persuades her that something more sinister is afoot. He can, after all, help her find answers in places she’s unable to go alone. And despite her deep loathing for any and all vampires, she can’t help but start thinking of a few other places she’d like to go with him.

Coming Soon! I’m going to choose a recipe to make and share an early look at The Unofficial Bridgerton Cookbook, only at!

Gimme Your Best Suggestions!

If you know of any new releases, even if they haven’t been officially released yet, please shoot me a comment, email, or message on Facebook. I’m working on filling at least three open slots for books in November. Please remember that November is a busy month for most people and I’m a mom with an adult child who will be (hopefully) coming home for a full turkey dinner, so I have to cook for a whole week and prepare notes for my typical Thanksgiving speech about the **REAL** story of American colonization, so I will be pretty busy.

I’d love some non-fiction or biographies, but romance and hard case crime novels are always appreciated. You don’t have to be an author or publisher to get me to read something! If you enjoy an author and know they have a new release or a recent release, or even a release you loved that you’d like me to love, too, just give me a title and author’s name and I’ll track it down myself!

I’m considering a blog series for cookbooks and recipe collections one day in the near future. If you’d be interested in something like that, let me know. I’m particularly interested in cookbooks with a nod toward pop culture. There are so many celebrities with their own cookbooks, television series with cookbooks based on them, etc. It’s certainly a fun niche.

Here’s a picture of my best friend, Salem…for absolutely no reason whatsoever.